

Currently I'm sitting at Lifetime Fitness. This place is weird. I've never liked gyms. Ever since 5th grade when we had to start changing in locker rooms gawking at eachother's awkwardness before the daily torture of repetitions importance. Why would you come back to that? And furthermore pay 50$+ a month for it?

Fine - I'm biased. I never played sports, I was overweight in grade school, and at my introduction to anything gym related it was met with resentment and depression. I can't really stand gyms. I don't like the thought of sharing equipment with enthusiastic (and by enthusiastic I mean sweaty) gym goers. As a general rule I don't like sharing much of anything with sweaty people, so why start now?

Because it's healthy... Well, the lack of trained professionals to ensure I'm doing a dead-lift (general rule: I don't like doing things that involve being dead) correctly so I don't ruin myself makes me question the healthy aspect. The fact that there is a balcony with a 20ft drop and about a 5ft railing directly behind the treadmills and stair masters makes me question the health of it all. Most importantly though, the salon, spa, and cafe certainly make me question the health of it all.

I think the mega-gym's popularity stems, like the iphone, from its marketing and not so much its quality.

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